FRIDAY - Outlook 1 (Second Floor) | Limited Seating
1 p.m.
Mastering Your In-Car Audio System: Exploring Sound Quality and the Competition Judging Process – Presenters: Travis Chin, president, IASCA; Harry Kimura, senior judge, IASCA
2 p.m.
Discoveries, Myths, and Misdirection in Vinyl Playback – Presenter: J.R. Boisclair, owner, WAM Engineering
3 p.m.
Beyond ABX: The Quest for Superior Listening Tests Presenter: David Salz, president and cable designer, Wireworld
4 p.m.
Getting the Most Out of Your Stereo System: Tips and Strategies for Optimal Speaker Placement and Lower Noise Presenter: Lee Scoggins, reviewer, Positive Feedback
SATURDAY - Outlook 1 (Second Floor) | Limited Seating
12 p.m.
Limiting Factors of Modern True-to-Life Audio Reproduction – Presenter: Jonas Räntilä, CEO, Perfect8 Technologies
1 p.m.
Why Your Tangential Tracker Isn’t, and Other Things You Should Know Presenters: Michael Fremer, editor, Tracking Angle, and editor at large, The Absolute Sound; J.R. Boisclair, owner, WAM En gineering
2 p.m.
Optimizing your Analog System Presenter: Charles Kirmuss, founder, KirmussAudio
3 p.m.
Engineered Acoustics: The Best Value in HiFi – Presenter: Norman Varney, owner, AV RoomService, Ltd.
4 p.m.
From Concept to Concert: Designing Immersive Audio Spaces for the Home Presenter: Matthew Poes, home theater designer, acoustician, and senior technical reviewer, Audioholics
Let the Music Play
After-Hours Events!
Friday & Saturday
7 - 10 p.m.
The Ross Stauser Collective
Join us for a live musical experience with The Ross Strauser Collective. Enjoy Jazz Friday night and Classic Rock and dance on Saturday night. Ross has played our show as part of the student ensemble for the last several years and recently graduated from the University of South Florida (USF).
Lobby Lounge
8 - 11 p.m.
LaRue Nickelson Solo Sessions
LaRue Nickelson is a jazz guitarist and composer from the Tampa Bay area, as well as a faculty member at USF. In addition to his recording and performing career, LaRue is a composer with over 40 compositions to his name.
Brandon 5
8 p.m.
MBL After Dark
Join Jeremy and Tara Bryan from MBL North America for their legendary after-hours listening sessions.
Brandon 6
9 p.m.
Name that Tune with Audiophile Junkie
Audiophile Junkie will join UniQue Home Audio for interactive sessions of music-related contests and listening.
Palm Room
8 p.m.
Greg Weaver’s Curated Vinyl Listening Session
In what has become an audio show tradition, VAC and Acora will host Greg Weaver from the Audio Analyst for one of his curated LP sessions. Greg will spend the evening sharing cuts from some of his favorite and most incredible sounding LPs from his own collection.